Monday, October 8, 2012

Management and stock control (updated)

StockProManager is a very good solution for inventory management, orders, customers, suppliers and products / articles. This app makes your life easier by offering various management functions, generation, monitoring, and statistical export of your orders. If you are a customer, supplier, or both at the same time StockProManager was designed for you in a way adjustable to give you the possibility to easily manage your product inventory by adding movements as inputs / outputs. 

You can easily take control of your customer (sales order) and / or add a command to send email to your provider (PO). To save time, StockProManager allows you to export and import easily your products / articles and your customers and suppliers to or from an Excel file. But also export movements and the state of your stock to an Excel file, update inventory and import it into the application in a few clicks. In addition to the basic functionality, StockProManager give you the ability to easily generate your order or order suppliers into a PDF and email it to your customer / supplier with a single click. You want to export your customer orders (order taking) or purchase orders? With StockProManager you can filter your orders and export them to a CSV or Excel file in order to integrate into another external tool. The statistics function lets you monitor monthly or annual variation of your orders and compare it with previous years.

Client Management
Supplier Management
Product Management / articles
Category Management products
Inventory management (entry / exits)
Management of movements (input / output lines of stock)
Management alerts or overruns stock
order management vendors
Sales Order (order taking)
Generating Commands PDF
Sending orders by email
Managing exports orders to Excel or CSV
Export Movements
Import / Export products
Import / Export customers
Import / Export Suppliers
Sending email exports
Management Setup: logo, company stamp, currency, tax, ...
Statistics orders by month, year and / or customer / supplier
Possibility add a client from a contact.
Generate product catalog in PDF
Attaching a PDF document (technical) to the product


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