Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Smart Apple TV

Since the publication of official Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson last year, the rumors about a Smart TV from Apple. New oil is poured into the fire, the China Business News, the new details for the production of the so-called iTV to have learned. Adding that the Shenzhen branch of China's supplier Foxconn already received the first order and can now roll off the assembly line, a first batch.

Piper Jaffray financial analyst classifies the speculation as a realistic and thought that Apple will unveil its television expected in December 2012 officially. Industry experts expect a release in late 2012 or early 2013. Apple will continue to prepare the same number of models ranging in sizes 42-55 inches. The price range is rumored that the 1500-2000 U.S. dollars.
With its own Smart TV models Apple could enter a new market that does not exactly as the business of smartphones and Tablet PCs. The price war is much harder known for its low profit margins. Whether Apple can convince its customers as well as with the iPhone that they can expect a higher price for a prestige object, should lay the foundation of the success of the Apple TV. Apple should be able to set up, goes Jaffray expects that the U.S. company could claim within the first three years, ten percent of the TV market for itself.


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