Google SketchUp Pro - a professional version of the program that allows you to create 3D-models, share, and display them in the form of presentation. With this solution you can design an addition to the house, build models for Google Earth, or teach geometry fifth graders. And when you're done, you can export the image, create a video or print the result. Simple but robust toolset and intelligent drawing system makes it possible to easily create and modify models, while import and export functions give the flexibility and extend the functionality of the program. The program is an extension of SketchUp management system location of the object with color, lines, and text prompts instead of entering the coordinate values. SketchUp tools are multifunctional, just like in real life. It is easier to learn, use and, most importantly, to remember how to use them.
Using SketchUp, you can do the following:
Draw, modify, measure, rotate, scale and move geometric figures.
Use the exact size and specify them with text.
Establish a section plane for viewing and working within the models.
Use pre-made models textures such as brick, wood, tile, glass, or to create new textures.
Add pre-made components like trees, cars, doors and windows, as well as people, or create new components.
Smooth the surface.
Simulate real-time shadows for any part of the world.
Simulate the location of the camera in space.
Create passageways.
Create presentations.
Use organic modeling (using Sandboxes).
Import 2D-images in the following formats:
Picture JPEG (. Jpg)
Portable Network Graphics (. Png)
Tagged Image File (. Tif)
Targa File (*. Tga)
Picture Windows (. Bmp)
Import the following 3D-models and information.
SketchUp (. Skp).
Relief of Google Earth. Note. You can get the current image (black and white photo) area, which is displayed in Google Earth using the Get Current View. Two versions are imported terrain images: 2D and 3D, and you can switch between them by pressing the Toggle Terrain. Image area used for reference only and are not included in the model when it's location in Google Earth. Image includes a reference to the latitude and longitude of the model in Google Earth, so they can also be used to study the shadows. Google Earth does not export its own 3D-models of buildings (buildings that are displayed when you select Buildings layer in Google Earth). This information is protected and may not be distributed without permission, therefore, imports of such buildings in SketchUp is not provided.
3DS (.3 ds). Note. To create import 3DS-file with the textures you want to save the texture files in the same folder in which you will create yourself 3DS-file.
DEM (. Dem,. Ddf)
Exporting 2D-images of models.
Picture JPEG (. Jpg)
Portable Network Graphics (. Png)
Tagged Image File (. Tif)
Picture Windows (. Bmp).
Export animations and passages in MOV-or AVI-files.
Placing models in Google Earth. Placing SketchUp models in Google Earth running with the command Place Model. SketchUp will automatically detect which version of Google Earth (3 or 4), and create the appropriate KMZ-file. (New versions of SketchUp and Google Earth now support displaying textures and images in Google Earth.)
Exporting Google Earth file directly in KMZ-format (Google Earth 3 or 4). Files Google Earth 3 can be viewed in both versions of Google Earth, but textures are displayed in Google Earth 4. Files Google Earth 4 to Google Earth 3 will be displayed.
Sharing models in the service of 3D-models. When sending models placed in Google Earth files are created SketchUp (. Skp) and Google Earth 3 (. Kmz). If you installed a new version of SketchUp, when posting will also create a Google Earth 4 (. Kmz).
You can print part of the model that is displayed in the drawing area of SketchUp.
Print and export raster images to the selected resolution.
Create additional software using the programming language Ruby.
SketchUp Pro - a tool for 3D-modeling for the professional design. The professional version of SketchUp allows professionals to design review and communicate complex design concepts. In addition to all the features available in the program SketchUp, using SketchUp Pro version also provides the following functions:
Exports to the following additional 2D-formats.
Portable Document Format (. Pdf)
Encapsulated PostScript Format (. Eps)
Epix (. Epx)
AutoCAD (. Dwg,. Dxf)
Export 3D-models in the following additional formats.
3DS (.3 ds)
AutoCAD DWG (. Dwg)
AutoCAD DXF (. Dxf)
FBX (. Fbx)
OBJ (. Obj)
XSI (. Xsi)
VRML (. Vrml)
To use a set of plug-in import and export, click here.
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista , Windows 7
Free Download Latest Google SketchUp Programme 8.0.15158 (50,4 MB):
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