Friday, July 6, 2012

Top software 2012 for Post Processing PULSE Reflex Core

PULSE Reflex Core is a set of post-processing tools for off-line analysis and processing of time data and spectra, including digital filtering, FFT, CPB (1/n octave), and order analysis. Multiple sets of input data can be processed simultaneously using parallel analysis and/or batch processing.

Uses Features 
o       Offline analysis of recorded sound and vibration data
o       General vibration and acoustic analysis
o       Visualisation, editing and audio playback of time data in preparation for analysis
o       Stationary and non-stationary FFT and CPB (1/n octave) analysis
o       Rotating machinery analysis
o       Human vibration analysis
o       Sharing and distribution of analysis and results
o       Simple and efficient reporting with user-definable layouts and user-selectable meta data
o       Features
o       Project database based on Microsoft® SQL Server®
o       Time Editor capable of dealing with multiple input files simultaneously
o       Spectrogram display for quick visualisation of frequency and order content of time signals
o       Data Viewer for review and automated reporting of project data
o       Simultaneous analysis using multiple instances of analyzers, for example different filters, bandwidths, and nth octave setups
o       Batch mode operation of process chain for sequenced or parallel analysis of multiple sets of recorded time data
o       Scratchpad calculator for mathematical and statistical analysis of project data
o       Interface to PULSE LabShop for import of function data from a PULSE (*.pls) project
o       Export and import of project files for transport of project data and setups


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