Saturday, November 10, 2012

Development Environment Graphical NI LabVIEW 12.0

LabVIEW - is a development environment and platform for running programs created in the graphical programming language «G» firm National Instruments. LabVIEW is used in data collection and processing, as well as for managing technical objects and technological processes. Ideologically LabVIEW is very close to the SCADA-systems, but unlike them focus more on problem solving rather than in the CAM, as in the area ARS.  Graphical programming language «G», used in LabVIEW, based on the architecture of the data streams. The sequence of execution of operators in such languages ​​is not determined by their order (as in imperative programming languages), and the availability of data on the inputs of these operators. Statements that are not related to data, are executed in parallel in any order. LabVIEW 2012 provides increased stability and enhanced features, and these improvements are implemented for the most part at the request of customers. Another important advantage of the new version of LabVIEW is the large number of new models of equipment that supports. Compatibility with advanced equipment models once again illustrates the company's commitment to the National Instruments steady expansion as a platform and development of the most advanced solutions. Begin immediately to work with the package NI LabVIEW 2012 and get the most out helps not only extensive library of ready-made applications, but new training materials for scientists and engineers in the field of control systems. In particular, LabVIEW offers 12 built-in access to training courses online for independent development of a new version of the package. From a technical point of view, attention should be given new functions for the analysis of systems and advanced image processing in the modeled system. Finally, it is worth noting the new mobile applications to display and control systems using the tablet iPad.

New features LabVIEW 2012:

Built-in templates and ready-made examples of projects.
On-line access to a course on the basics of programming in LabVIEW.
High stability.
New tools for high-throughput analysis and image processing.
High performance through feedback from the community of programmers.
Mobile applications to display and manage data on your iPad.
Complete programming language.
Intuitive graphical programming process.
Opportunities for collecting, processing and analysis, instrument control, reporting and data exchange through network interfaces.
Driver support over 2000 devices.
Capabilities of the interactive code generation.
High speed of compiled programs.
Compatibility with operating systems Windows XP/Vista/7, Mac OS X, Linux and Sun Solaris.


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