Sunday, July 1, 2012

Gimp 2.8.1 Unofficial for Windows 7 Free Download Software

GIMP 02/08 - the result of more than three years of hard work of developers, which is a excellent image editing, which is deservedly well-known competitor is free Adobe Photoshop and its capabilities for virtually conceding he did not. GIMP allows you to work successfully with animation, creating graphics for Web pages, edit photos, using a variety of tools, effects and filters to create a new image, and for the processing of ready-made. You can change the color, brightness, gamma, saturation, contrast, create graphics and logos, crop and resize photos, paint, combining images with layers, retouch, convert images to different formats, etc. 

New in GIMP 2.8 (significant improvement and innovation):

1. Single window mode. This innovation is most fans were expecting a photoshop. Indeed, it is inconvenient to have a bunch of windows when working with multiple images. Single window interface is still considered optional and is included in the menu "Window". Classic multi-window interface for GIMP is suitable for those who use multiple monitors, but for domestic use is unnecessary.
2. new management of open windows. Image management is carried out through all the familiar tabs (tabs). The tabs display a thumbnail image it open. Very convenient - immediately clear that where the open. In general, the concept has many tabs to your liking.
3. Enhanced attachment of the window . Extended docking features - is the ability to attach additional windows and dialog to the toolbar that allows you to combine and display multiple columns in a series of windows when working in multi-mode. This option is useful in multi-monitor configuration, in which can be placed in a bound form of all control windows and dialogs on a single monitor, leaving the other directly from the box editable image.
4. Entering text on the canvas. ability to directly enter text on the canvas without opening a window of intermediate input. Setting the text is carried out appears when you enter the control unit, which allows you to change the font, size, style, color and spacing. All these parameters can be changed for any word / letter. Plus there is a button that resets all the text formatting options.
5. Export files. "Save" and "Save as ..." now used only for gimpovskogo format. XCF. To save in other formats (and there are many) using the "Export". Unaccustomed to this seems a little awkward. But get used to quickly and become comfortable. Also has a quick save mode in the original format (File - Overwrite), for example, when you need to open a jpeg, edit and save a little bit back to jpeg, with the number of intermediate dialogs minimized.
6. Grouping layers. Support for grouping layers through logical grouping based on their impact on the overall picture. Perhaps the rapid application of certain operations to a group of layers as a single whole, for example, you can change the brightness level of the whole for the group.
7. Improved resource management. It allows you to bind the key words (tags) to the brushes, textures and gradients. Support for filtering, grouping and search for items on their associated tags. The base tag is stored in an XML file, which simplifies the processing of external applications. It is convenient to those who use a large number of brushes, textures, or gradients. Instruments are automatically added based on tegiruyutsya name directories.
8. Rotating brushes. brushes can now be arbitrarily rotated. This was required by many artists.
9. Improved dynamic brushes. Improved collection of brushes for painting (set of 70 brushes) and additional gradients. Improvement of the engine, the formation of dynamic clusters. The dynamics of brushes lets you adjust the transparency, color, angle, size, rigidity, tremors, etc. etc. Allows flexibility to customize all without resorting to ready blanks. Himself and you take 10 minutes you get the right hand of the standard. For this purpose the so-called binding matrix (orig. Mapping Matrix).
10. Improved selection. Many instruments have a more convenient and intuitive interface (Enhanced Look & Feel). For example, the tools, "Isolation" and "circuit" is now displayed chetkorazlichimoy vector line. And all the familiar "running ants" appear only after the selection. On complex images (where a lot of colored elements) is easier to work - no need to seek out the line of sight of the selection. Just these little things here and make this program convenient and legkoosvaivaemoy.
11. Contour Brush. Another improvement tool brush - a path that indicates the scope of the brush. That is, We see at once on what the site will affect the brush of some form.
12. Presets for the dynamics of brushes. In GIMP 2.8 includes 17 presets for the dynamics of the hands (see paragraph 9). This is done to simplify the work is especially novice users.
13. new feature "Lock Pixels". "Lock Pixels" allows you to prevent drawing in any layer. Sometimes users accidentally include a layer and paint on it, I think that paint elsewhere. This feature will allow to avoid such errors.
14. formulas in the size of the image. in the field with added support for specifying the size of the relative magnitudes and simple mathematical expressions, for example, you can specify (200 +20 +20) * 2/3 and GIMP will issue 173. Simple formulas are also available for allocation functions. And it's really good. Many of you will be able to quickly head to take ninth on the width of the image in pixels 7852?
15. Display mode fibers. layers of display modes are now grouped by type. For example, the brightness or darkness, etc.
16. Export palettes. Now you can export the palette formats CSS, PHP, Java, Python, or txt. For PHP, Java, Python - are variables for CSS - anonymous classes, and a text format - just the colors in HEX-code.
17. Improvements toolbar. Select the tools and specify their location can now be in the settings panel (Edit - Preferences) . You can arrange the tools in a convenient manner, or remove abandoned or idle.
18. New and changed hotkeys:
New: Alt + Super + click on the layer = Select the alpha channel layer. Can be used in combination with the Shift or Ctrl, to quickly add or subtract the selection.
New: Ctrl + Shift + E = File - Export ...
New: Ctrl + E = fast export
Changed: Ctrl + Shift + R = The image in the window size
Changed: Ctrl + R = Window to the size of the image

19. new gradient. A new basic gradient called "FG to BG (abrupt transition)." This gradient is dramatically changing the foreground color to background color, without a smooth transition.
20. Curves. "Color - Curves' now showing in the background all the channels: RGB. Convenient.
21. Minor improvements:
The edges of the image is now "magnetic"
Support for JPEG2000
Import 16-bit RAW

22. GIMP and GEGL. Now GEGL is fully integrated into GIMP.
23. Changing the license. Now GIMP is licensed under the LGPL - a weakened version of the GPL.
24. Shortcuts scale. In the previous version of GIMP used a key to zoom to 100%. Now you can also use a key 2, 3, 4, 5 to zoom in 200%, 400%, 800% and 1600% respectively.
25. Sliders control. New sliders allow you to control the parameters of three ways to specify values:
Enter the exact numbers (from the right)
rapid transition to the desired value (click on the top half of the bar)
smooth change in value (click and drag on the bottom half of the bar)
Such control is very convenient. Get used to it for a couple of minutes or a few clicks.
26. Import pictures sites. A new feature is available in File - New - from the website. Just enter the url-address of the page, and GIMP makes it a complete picture. For web designers are very comfortable. Allows you to take pictures without any additional plug-ins (like Screengrab or Pixlr Grabber in Firefox). By the way, to generate the page uses the same engine as in Chromium.
27. Export to PDF. This feature has long been waiting for. But it is still experimental. Supports exporting to PDF while preserving the image superimposed on the text in the text.
28. Multipage PDF files. Also noteworthy feature. Create a multipage document in the File - New - PDF - Multipage PDF files, and add pages. Like number 27, this feature is experimental.
29. Profiles tools. It is now possible to create profiles for any tools. That is, You can choose a specific setting, for example, text, or gradient, and save them for quick access.
30. Merge layers in a group. name speaks for itself. Merge all the layers of a group.
31. Conversion of the frame. New tool to change the frame (Cage transform) allows you to transform an arbitrary selection. This area (frame) is not a release, so it will not apply the color correction or filters. In the frame transformation are "physical" in nature.
32. indicator of the job. Now, when the "long" tasks GIMP draws the progress bar directly on the image.
33. New Resources. authors have improved or replaced with some resources, such as a brush, making them "more modern look. "
34. Working with alpha layers. Significant improvement in working with alpha layers. See n 18. That is, Now you can easily select / add / subtract the alpha layer in isolation.
35. Language in GIMP. Language can now be chosen arbitrarily, not only as a "language system."
36. Support for Wacom. All Wacom tablets should work with GIMP 2.8. .. But it happens every ... If the "buggy", wait for GIMP 3.0.
Other new GIMP 2.8:

implemented the correct folding of controls on the canvas, so that they do not overlap;
involved improved algorithm Auto adjust images;
rendering code editing elements on the canvas (eg, frames, shapes, milestones, etc.) is translated into a library of Cairo. Use of Cairo led to a smoother graphics and significantly upgraded the interface (see paragraph 32);
in the kit includes new plugins: a plugin for downloading images in a format JPEG2000, plug-in to download files with cursors for X11, a plugin to import and export formats for OpenRaster (. ora), plug-in - plug-in support for RGB565 and "Web-page" to render Image web-page.

Features of this release:

program is optimized to work in Windows 7
detected errors are corrected as of June 25, 2012 (problems with memory of previously saved default settings for JPEG, etc.)
included in the archive of installers for the automatic installation of the program useful plug-ins. All useful plug-ins have been updated to conform to this version


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